Type | Organization | Resource | Website |
Business Development | Aventi Academy of Entrepreneurship | Aventi Enterprises, LLC offers consulting, coaching and training for emerging CEOs and leaders of nonprofits. Aventi focuses its efforts on the development of women and minority-owned businesses and entrepreneurial support organizations by way of community partnerships and online education. Through an extensive network, Aventi helps organizations build capacity and gain access to the resources and opportunities needed to build a profitable and sustainable enterprise. | https://www.aventienterprises.com/ |
Business Development | Central Community House | Academy for Community Entrepreneurs (ACE) instills the foundations of successful entrepreneur development including strategic business planning, marketing, and resource management. ACE is a Central Community House initiative to help budding or existing entrepreneurs overcome the challenges to small business success. It is a collaborative endeavor, bringing together the best industry experts Columbus has to offer. | http://cchouse.org/services/ace |
Business Development | City of Columbus Citywide Training & Development | FREE professional development training for small business owners in Columbus with less than 50 employees. Marketing, Communication, Selling Essentials, Management and Professional Development. | https://www.columbus.gov/hr/citywide-training/course-offerings/Small-Business-Program/ https://www.facebook.com/CitywideTraining/ |
Business Development | City of Columbus Office of Small Business and Entrepreneur Development | Facilitated assistance aimed at assisting aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to start, grow, and expand viable businesses through the use of economic development tools such as grants, loans, and specialized technical assistance while aiding in the stabilization and revitalization of our traditional urban neighborhoods and corridors. | https://www.columbus.gov/development/economic-development/Small-Business/ |
Business Development | City of Columbus Small Business Concierge/Small Business Builder | Opening a small business requires careful consideration of your market, a firm business plan, and the discipline to protect what is most important to you at this time–your financial capital. Through the office of the Small Business Coordinator and the Small Business Builder, you will be connected with the resources necessary to help you accomplish your goals. | https://www.columbus.gov/Small-Business/About-Your-Concierge/ https://www.columbus.gov/Small-Business/Resources-to-Build-Your-Business/ |
Business Development | Columbus Metropolitan Library | Free Research tools and Reserve an Expert: Business: Reserve an Expert is a new service to connect to library customers using Skype video conferencing. Customers can book one-on-one appointments with me for assistance with their business-related research. Appointments can be requested through the library’s Contact Us page or directly through library staff via phone, email or chat. | www.columbuslibrary.org |
Business Development | Columbus Minority Business Assistance Center | Free services for minority-owned businesses: Technical Assistance, One-on-One Counseling, Training, Financial Readiness Services, Identifying Access to Capital, Contract Assistance, Bonding Programs, Certification Assistance Ohio MBE/EDGE/VBE | https://www.cul.org/mbac/ http://odsa.force.com/mbac/mbacassistancerequest |
Business Development | Daymond John | Free business tutorials and resources (online) | https://daymondjohn.com/pages/shark-tools |
Business Development | Food Fort | Business coaching, group training, food safety certification; kitchen incubator and storage for caterers and food trucks | https://www.ecdi.org/innovate/food-fort |
Business Development | Franklin County | Franklin County Food Business Portal connects food businesses and entrepreneurs to the valuable resources and services needed to plan, launch, and grow a business. | https://fcfoodbusinessportal.org/ |
Business Development | Hello Alice | Hello Alice has developed step-by-step guides to help you navigate the most common challenges COVID-19 has presented to small businesses, and brought in trusted partner resources to help you through this new normal. | https://www.covid19businesscenter.com/ |
Business Development | Help Me Startup | Help Me Startup is a global platform and coaching service for startup entrepreneurs to test their early stage ideas. Help Me Startup will score your idea and help you fill in the gaps in your plans. | https://www.helpmestartup.co/ |
Business Development | LiftFund | Templates, tools and resources – from business plans and financial templates to interactive courses. | https://www.liftfund.com/learn/ |
Business Development | LiftLearn | A site dedicated to providing financial and business management tips and online tools for small business owner. Enhance your Finance, Accounting, Marketing, HR and Management skills to help grow your business. | https://www.liftlearn.com/ |
Business Development | Nav | Business blog and how-tos | https://www.nav.com/blog/ |
Business Development | Ohio Small Business Development Center at Columbus State (SBDC) | Free support services and coaching for small businesses: business plan development, market research, social media, outreach strategies, assistance locating financing options, loan structuring, cash flow analysis, financial projections; expertise to guide you through starting, sustaining and growing a profitable business. | https://sbdccolumbus.com/ |
Business Development | SCORE Columbus | Free, confidential business mentoring Webinars/courses on demand Online resource library |
https://columbusoh.score.org/ |
Business Development | SheaMoisture | Women of Color E-Lab: Under SheaMoisture’s $1Million Community Commerce Fund, the brand will create an e-learning platform for women of color entrepreneurs to continue to gain education, access to resources, mentorship, and advice on how to prepare for the economic downturn. The eLab will enable entrepreneurs to learn and chat with speakers from Sundial Brands and its business community, including Unilever, Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business, retail partners, and others who are creating tools to help manage what’s now and next for small businesses. | https://www.sheamoisturefund.com/women-entrepreneur-e-lab |
Business Development | SocialVentures | SocialVentures creates and connects community resources to businesses that create social impact. SocialVentures advocates for, develops, and funds businesses that address social problems in our community. | https://socialventurescbus.com/ |
Business Development | Startup Grind | Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. We bring like-minded yet diverse individuals together to connect, learn, teach, help, build, and belong. We do this daily through our local events, flagship conferences, startup program, partnerships, and online media + content – collectively reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide. | https://www.startupgrind.com/columbus/ |
Business Development | State of Ohio | Resources to start, manage, and grow an Ohio-based building. | http://business.ohio.gov |
Business Development | State of Ohio Office of Small Business Relief (OSBR) | Focused on identifying and providing direct support to the state’s nearly 950,000 small businesses to help during the current public health crisis and to position them for a strong rebound. | https://businesshelp.ohio.gov/ |
Business Development | Turner Construction | Turner School of Construction Management (TSCM) program is available to owners and employees of small minority, women, disabled and veteran business enterprises whose services/products align with the construction industry. Participants will receive expanded practical knowledge and best practices to guide their business success. They will also extend their network of industry professionals and resources – offering the potential of future business partnerships. | http://www.turnerconstruction.com/office-network/columbus/Turner%20School%20of%20Construction%20Management |
Business Development | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization | Veteran Entrepreneur Portal: direct access to programs and services from the Federal government to help veterans start, grow, and manage a business. | https://www.va.gov/osdbu/entrepreneur/ |
Business Development | Veterans Business Resource Center | An online center for resources. You can find information about the Boots to Business program, which offers instructional courses and support located online and at military bases. Other resources available through Vetbiz include training, networking events, small business counseling, and even a blog. | https://www.vetbiz.com/ |
Business Development | Women’s Business Center | One-on-one business counseling Business Mentoring Business workshops Access to small business loans Access to resource library, computer lab, and free wireless internet (onsite) |
https://www.wbcohio.org/locations/wbc |
Business Development, Business Accelerator | Women’s Small Business Accelerator (WSBA) | Business Crisis Team Mentor Match |
www.wsbaohio.org |
Business Development, Business Center, Virtual Solutions/Call Center |
Intelligent Office of Columbus | Virtual Office/Business Addresses, Private Mailboxes, Virtual Receptionist/Phone Answering and Appointment Setting, Virtual Assistants/Temp Staffing, Conference Rooms by the Hours, Private Offices | www.intelligentoffice.com |
Business Development; Coworking | Bunker Labs | Bunker Labs – a 501(c)(3) non-profit – is a national network of veteran and milspouse entrepreneurs dedicated to helping the military connected community with the network, tools, and resources they need to start their own business. | https://chapters.bunkerlabs.org/columbus/ |
Business Development; Coworking | Cultivate | Helps entrepreneurs change the trajectory of their life through business ownership. We deploy funding & resources to help entrepreneurs be successful. We help our members by providing:
Business decision tools |
https://www.cultivateoh.io/ |
Business Development; Coworking | Dublin Entrepreneurial Center | Coworking spaces, collaborative spaces, meeting spaces, workshops, one-on-one coaching for members. | http://www.decindublin.com/ |
Business Incubator | Innovate New Albany | Innovate New Albany is a business incubator in New Albany that boasts more than 16,000 square feet dedicated as a hub for startups and entrepreneurial activities, designed to create a flow of ideas and interconnectivity. | https://innovatenewalbany.org/ |
Business Incubator | Rev 1 Ventures | Rev1 is a unique investor startup studio that helps startups scale and corporates innovate. This is much more than funding—Rev 1 provides the guidance, connections, and space they need to bring their ideas to market. | https://www.rev1ventures.com/entrepreneurs/ |
Certification | City of Columbus Department of Diversity & Inclusion | ODI certifies minority and female business enterprises interested in doing business with the City of Columbus. By obtaining certification through ODI, minority and female business enterprises are able to obtain certifications with other entities besides the City of Columbus, as well as participate in the business networking and educational programs. | https://www.columbus.gov/odi/supplier-diversity/Business-Certifications/ |
Certification | Ohio Department of Administrative Services, Equal Opportunity Division | Business Certifications: Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) program is designed to assist minority businesses in obtaining state government contracts for goods and services. Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity (EDGE) program assists socially and economically disadvantaged businesses in obtaining state government contracts in the areas of construction, architecture and engineering; professional services; goods and services; and information technology services Veteran-Friendly Business Enterprise (VBE) Procurement program provides preference or bonus points to certified companies that compete to contract with the state to supply the goods or services it needs, including eligible construction services |
https://das.ohio.gov/Divisions/Equal-Opportunity |
Certification | Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Enterprise |
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certification and Small Business Enterprise certification for small firms interested in doing work for ODOT, COTA, CRAA, or any other public transportation agency. | http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/ODI/SDBE/Pages/UCP.aspx |
Certification | Columbus Minority Business Assistance Center | How to Get Certified with the City of Columbus | https://youtu.be/7EcYXaD_Ygc |
COVID | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Resources for businesses and employers. | https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/businesses-employers.html |
COVID | Finimpact | SMBs Survival Guide: Best 8 Financial Tools to Combat COVID-19 | https://www.finimpact.com/covid-19-coronavirus-smbs/ |
COVID | GBQ | Insights & Alerts, Webinars, etc. | https://gbq.com/coronavirus/ |
COVID | Infintech | Free mobile card readers for restaurants | https://uzw1mooqe5-flywheel.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Infintech.png |
COVID | Kroger | Blueprint for Businesses: resources for businesses to help navigate reopening | https://www.thekrogerco.com/blueprint/ |
COVID | Plante Moran | COVID-19: Your guide to ramping up or restarting operations | https://www.plantemoran.com/explore-our-thinking/insight/2020/04/covid19-your-guide-to-ramping-up-or-restarting-operations |
COVID | State of Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership, The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association, Magnet | Checklist for reopening and operating in a post-COVID environment | https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_rJZ5lrZejD6s8kwvOREKy-dUmJ5lbuB |
COVID | State of Ohio Responsible RestartOhio | Responsible RestartOhio is about protecting the health of employees, customers, and their families; supporting community efforts to control the spread of the virus; and, leading in responsibly getting Ohio back to work. | https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/responsible-restart-ohio/welcome/responsible-restart-ohio |
Coworking | COHatch | Live an integrated life at COhatch. A new kind of work and social space built in the communities in which we work and live. | https://www.cohatch.com/ |
Coworking | Cova Cowork | Coworking spaces in the heart of Columbus with onsite, professional childcare so you can manage your work and life all in one place. | https://www.covacowork.com/ |
Finance Prep | Bench | Accounting and bookkeeping resources for your business. | https://bench.co/blog/resources |
Finance Prep | Fundera | Banking, lending, credit learning center and blogs. | https://www.fundera.com |
Finance Prep | IFundWomen | IFundWomen method crowdfunding eCourse | https://www.coaching.ifundwomen.com/crowdfunding-course-preview |
Finance Prep | OneUnited Bank | OneUnited Bank Financial Education Center | https://oneunitedbank.everfi-next.net/student/dashboard/customers/oneunitedbank-small-businesses |
Finance Prep | Small Business Administration | Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Application Effective May 16, 2020 |
https://www.sba.gov/document/sba-form–paycheck-protection-program-loan-forgiveness-application |
HR | Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services | SharedWork Ohio: voluntary layoff aversion program. It allows workers to remain employed and employers to retain trained staff during times of reduced business activity. Under a SharedWork Ohio plan, the participating employer reduces affected employees’ hours in a uniform manner. The participating employee works the reduced hours each week, and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) provides eligible individuals an unemployment insurance benefit proportionate to their reduced hours. | http://jfs.ohio.gov/ouio/SharedWorkOhio/ |
HR | TechCred | Provides reimbursement for business upskilling employees through a select list of verified skill development programs. Keep employees engaged from home or utilize downtime by growing employee knowledge. | https://techcred.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/techcred/apply |
HR | U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) | Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 | https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3990.pdf |
Manufacturing | Columbus State Community College | Partnering with digital training provider Tooling U-SME to offer new online training programs paired with one-on-one virtual coaching. | https://www.cscc.edu/for-business/virtual-manufacturing-training |
Manufacturing | Manufacturing Extension Partnership | MEP at Columbus State is a full-service solutions provider for central Ohio manufacturers. From consulting and product development to education and talent acquisition, they partner with you to grow your manufacturing business. | https://mep.cscc.edu/ |
Marketing | Amazon Seller University | Seller University is a series of free training videos created to help you learn how to sell on Amazon. Create product listings faster. Master the key tools and applications. Understand product rules and restrictions. Learn how to take advantage of FBA, advertising, promotions, and more. | https://sell.amazon.com/learn.html?ref_=sdus_soa_learn_su_n#seller-university |
Marketing | Constant Contact | Making Sense of Online Marketing Resource library, events, webinars and advice; email marketing tools. |
https://www.constantcontact.com/account-home |
Marketing | Get CBUS Online | Pro bono digital agency offering services to help businesses launch an online presence | https://getcbusonline.com |
Marketing | NBC4 | NBC4 is offering free production services to help small businesses reach their customers. Free production services include: script writing, stock photos/footage, editing, music, basic graphics, announcer, custom images and/or footage must be provided by client. More information email: Growmybusiness@WCMH.com |
Marketing | Ohio Small Business Development Center at Columbus State (SBDC) | The Best Free Market Research Tools: Progress, Not Panic Video Series | https://sbdccolumbus.com/the-best-free-market-research-tools/ |
Marketing | Orange Barrel Media | Free advertising for local and independent businesses. | https://assets.simpleviewinc.com/simpleview/image/upload/v1/clients/columbus/OBM_Supports_Local_Press_Release_FOR_RELEASE_3_20_2035_50374488-2af7-4064-9a09-f4095816f719.pdf |
Marketing | Spectrum Reach | Free 30-second video for any business in need | https://www.spectrumreach.com/rebound |
Procurement | ConnXus | Free company profile in myConnXion®, the ConnXus supply chain ecosystem and supplier social network that helps you centralize information, share data, and connect with more buyers. Promote your certifications to win and develop new contracts and get found by Fortune 5000 companies that are searching for diverse suppliers and certified small businesses who can meet their needs, giving you the opportunity to make strong, lucrative connections with big buyers. | https://connxus.com/suppliers/features/ |
Procurement | Ohio University Procurement Technical Assistance Center | Helps your business identify, compete for and succeed in accessing government contracts. PTAC’s primary responsibility is one-on-one counseling with businesses that want to sell their product or service to the government. This no-cost assistance is delivered to you via individually focused coaching, teaching and mentoring. | https://ptac.ohio.edu/ou-ptac-at-columbus/ |
Procurement | U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Government Contracting, Area IV | ACTIVITIES COVERED
Defense Logistics Agency Defense Supply Center Columbus (DLA-LAND/DSCC) – Columbus |
https://www.sba.gov/federal-contracting/counseling-help/procurement-center-representative-directory |
The Big Table®, a day of community building through conversations designed to connect and inspire central Ohio! Through open, thoughtful conversations, we will spark new relationships and new ways of working together by deepening our understanding of each other and what our community needs.
Have your voice heard as we discuss issues that impact the Linden Business Community and future Workforce Development efforts. Hosted by Greater Linden Business Network (GLBN), Community of Caring Development Foundation & Smart Columbus. Go to The Big Table – Linden Small Business & Workforce Development Discussion to register.
• How has the lack of viable retail space limited your business growth?
• What support can GLBN give to help you grow & sustain your business?
• How has employee acquisition and or retention impacted your business?
• What opportunities will Intelligent Transportation create to expand business in Linden?
• Has lack of transportation limited your employees from coming to work?
Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm – Join us for dinner after Big Table Discussion
Location: New Salem Baptist Church; 2956 Cleveland Ave.; Columbus, OH 43224
Join us for dinner afterward at New Salem’s Community Dinner
GLBN’s mission is to connect, grow & sustain established and emerging businesses in the Linden community. GLBN is a member-driven organization of Linden business leaders and community stakeholders that focus on providing access to entrepreneurship opportunities that increase the quality of life for Linden residents. For more information and GLBN’s calendar of events visit www.lindenbusiness.org
About the Community of Caring Development Foundation (CCD Foundation)
As the Community and Economic Development Arm of New Salem Baptist Church, the Community of Caring Development Foundation has planted seeds of hope, health, and wellness in Columbus’ Linden community and witnessed what can be accomplished when neighbors join together to create a connected community. The mission-based community development foundation focuses on four main pillars: Community Wealth Building, Education (STEM), Real Estate, and Health/Wellness. Over the last three years, the foundation has continued its commitment to investing in the lives of individuals and families by providing access to affordable housing for more than 1,000 families, over 300,000+ meals, $20,000 in community grants and more than $70,000 in academic scholarship awards, as well as reconnecting community residents and resources with the Linden Farmers Market, Linden Community Festival, Linden Classic 5K Walk/Run, Tour de Linden Cycling Tour, and more.
For more information about the Community Real Estate Group contact Bro. Adam Troy atroy@newsalemcares.com or (614) 267-2536.
About Smart Columbus
Workforce Development Board of Central Ohio, in partnership with Smart Columbus and United Way of Central Ohio, has commissioned research by The Ohio State University’s Ohio Education and Research Center (OERC) to examine future job opportunities for central Ohio residents brought about by technology and innovation. The research will seek to identify future jobs in industries related to intelligent transportation systems, electrification, internet of things, financial services and healthcare. It will also address the skills needed to fill those jobs, and gaps in current local training programs. For more information visit www.columbus.gov/smartcolumbus