Far too many African American young men living in poverty are disillusioned with life and the pursuit of the fabled American dream. For decades, increasing numbers of them have been dropping out of school and embracing a life in the streets where success is defined as instant material gratification. That definition has them making choices that at best, cost them any meaningful future they might have, and at worst cost them their lives and the lives of others in the community. Unfortunately, this goes on while many businesses have employment and career opportunities that are available and accessible to them with the right kind of relational and programmatic support.
Growing U.P. is a community-based employment & entrepreneurship initiative that provides training, life coaching and financial resources for young men ages 18 – 30 who want to secure living-wage employment and/or are looking to start their own business. For more information contact Robert Caldwell – Growing U.P. Program Director rcaldwell@callingallconnectors.org (614) 547-9437