Today, Governor DeWine issued a “Stay at Home” order which requires all Ohioans to stay at home, and limit trips to essential errands only. The order will go into effect Monday at 11:59 p.m.
It is important that we take this order seriously to stop community spread of COVID-19. We are at a critical point in our fight to stop the spread of this virus, and we must follow the governor’s order.
But this order should not cause panic, and I urge the residents of Columbus to act responsibly. You will still have access to the necessities you need to keep the community healthy and safe, including grocery stores, pharmacies and health care.
For government, businesses and nonprofit organizations that will remain open to serve critical needs and provide essential services, this is not business as usual. Employees who can work from home should, and steps should already be in place to allow employees to practice safe social distancing and assure proper sanitation. We should redouble our efforts to ensure steps we’ve taken to protect our employees are being followed in practice.
For individuals, to the extent you must leave home, follow the advice of public health experts. Limit your movement, practice safe social distancing, and wash your hands.
Finally, while these are challenging times, it is not a time for fear. Instead, we must rely on facts. Our decisions should put the common health and well-being of our community and our families first.
Be patient with one another. Support each other and be kind.
These are times unlike any most of us have ever seen, but together we will get through this and we will emerge stronger, smarter and healthier.
From the City of Columbus — Office of the Mayor